Shufflebottom Director, Alex, honoured to be a new voice on Manufacturing Wales’ Board

At Shufflebottom, we’re delighted and proud that our very own Director, Alex Shufflebottom, has recently been appointed to join the Board at Manufacturing Wales.

Founded just over 3 years ago by those in the manufacturing sector themselves, Manufacturing Wales is an independent, industry-led network that champions the vision and ambitions of manufacturers and academia across Wales. It came into being to address the complex needs of the variety of Welsh manufacturers and enable them to connect to share challenges and develop solutions so they maximise their potential.

At the heart of Manufacturing Wales is a strong emphasis on quality with the aim of businesses achieving global recognition, along with robust technology systems and innovative supply chain ecosystems.

Alex Shufflebottom brings proven strength in all these areas to the table. With over 24 years at the helm of Shufflebottom Ltd. (along with fellow Directors Wesley Shufflebottom, and Alec Davies) she has valuable first-hand experience of growing the Shufflebottom business into the award-winning, £25million, steel-framed building manufacturing business it is today, with a presence that has spread from its HQ in Cross Hands, across the UK and beyond. She also has a first degree in Psychology and a post-graduate MBA (2023) from the University of South Wales.

Alex is not new to being a Board Member as she currently serves on the RIDBA Board (a trade association of frame manufacturers). Importantly, Alex is not new to Manufacturing Wales as she, and Shufflebottom Ltd, have been members of the network since its inception and know at grass roots level, how beneficial sharing knowledge (and challenges!) is in the fertile relationships between the diverse manufacturing industry members. Shufflebottom has hosted open days at our HQ in Cross Hands where visiting businesses can learn, and share new ideas in these productive get-togethers.

Alex is excited to join existing Board Members at Manufacturing Wales from British Rototherm, Creo Medical, IQE, Philtronics, Penderyn Distillery, Pro Steel Engineering, The Safety Letterbox Company Ltd, and SPTS (a KLA company), all chaired by Frank Holmes of Gambit Corporate Finance.

Being a part of Manufacturing Wales is incredibly important to Shufflebottom as it provides a platform to share experiences and challenges, to work together, to help each other, as well as being a fantastic avenue to gain information from funding to training to markets to so much more. It is an honour to now be asked to join the board of this group of Welsh Manufacturers.
Alex Shufflebottom, Director, Shufflebottom Ltd. and Board Member Manufacturing Wales (2024-)


From chasing rabbits to leading UK Farming & Agricultural Contractor


From Cross Hands to Conon Bridge